ROE User

ROE users have a broader set of permissions to administer the system, as well as to add, edit or delete pupil records.

Logging in

The default username for the ROE user is "ROE" and the default password is "admin".  It is strongly recommended that these be changed immediately after logging in for the first time.


Welcome Panel

The ROE user is greeted with a different panel than the district user.  Once successfully authenticated, the ROE user should use the "ROE Administrator Menu" hyperlink to manage the system.


ROE Administrator Menu

The ROE Administrative Menu is divided into two columns of hyperlinks as shown below:

Most of the hyperlinks in the right-hand column point to report panels.  The left-hand column shows the pertinent configuration hyperlinks.

Managing Dropout Records

The ROE user should not need to add, edit, or delete pupils from the main database.  However, that functionality is built in to the system.  All records submitted by all districts are available to the ROE user.


Editing Records

In the event that a pupil record needs to be modified or deleted, the ROE user can click on the Record ID or the pupil Last Name to access the Add/Edit/Delete panel shown below:

If changes are made to the record, pressing the [Update] button will record those changes in the database.  If the [Delete] button is clicked, a warning message will pop up and will require verification by the ROE user prior to deleting the record.

Logging out

When leaving the system, click the [Logout] button.

Closing the browser will also log the user out of the session.


The ROE user has access to all pupil records, can configure the system, and can generate, display and  print multiple reports.